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Dulé Hill at Comic-Con - Juillet

Dulé parle du Comic-Con, de comment il fait la transition entre son personnage de Charlie dans la série The West Wing et Gus dans Psych, de ce qui va se passer pour Gus dans la saison...
It may not quite fit in with the science-fiction standard of Comic-Con, but Psych is just nerdy enough to be a hit with fans in San Diego. The cast and producers of Psych returned to the Con in 2011 for a panel that played to a full Ballroom 20. Afterward, star Dule Hill (Gus) chatted with reporters about Comic-Con and the upcoming season.

Having fun?
Dule Hill: I'm having fun. I am having fun.

Have you made it downstairs [to the Comic-Con exhibition hall] yet?
Dule Hill: No.

Are you going to try?
Dule Hill: See, if I tell them I'm finished here, they're going to move me someplace else. Every year it's like the same thing. I was thinking about staying an extra day just to experience it, but I have to get back to LA. One of these years, hopefully I'll make it downstairs.

It's pretty crazy. If you were here just for fun, which panels would you want to check out?
Dule Hill: Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones, definitely. I'm behind on it, but I'm a big fan of that show. And I would check out True Blood, check out that. And that would probably be the main two. If there was a Call of Duty panel, I would check out the Call of Duty panel. If there was, know what I mean?

Might be, who knows? There's a sort of first person shooter game there, they've got in the exhibit hall. You go in, you put your headphones.
Dule Hill: Are you serious? I would love that. I would love that!

Yeah, big long line of people but I'm pretty sure you could cut in front of all of them. They wouldn't mind.
Dule Hill: Man, I would love that. That would be a lot of fun to play.

You probably get this question pretty regularly, but you're well-known for West Wing, then going to Psych, a completely different show. How do you make that kind of transition?
Dule Hill: For myself, it actually was the easier transition to make. Because I think if I would've stayed and tried to do another drama, I would've tried to emulate or be too close to what I was doing on The West Wing or what the whole dynamic was. Then doing Psych, which was completely different. It made it easier. I had nothing to compare it to. I wasn't trying to find another West Wing. I wasn't trying to get all the critical acclaim and all that kind of stuff. It was like, let's go and have fun. No more people shooting at the president. Just now, it's people shooting at Shawn and Gus having fun.

People just like to shoot in your direction!
Dule Hill: See what I'm saying? We're like bullet-magnets. I'd rather be like a chick-magnet than a bullet-magnet, you know what I'm saying. I mean, come on!

So is that going to happen to your character on this season at all?
Dule Hill: He's going to try to be. Keyword is: going to make an attempt at being a magnet of the ladies. I think he's going to strike out many times. But it'll be fun to watch and experience. He's gonna fall hard pretty much every time somebody gives him some attention.

Why does he strike out so bad?
Dule Hill: Uh, it makes for good television? I mean, why would he strike so bad? I think, you know when you want something too much and you don't just let it be? I think now he kind of wants it too much so at some point he'll probably take a step back and let it be and then the right situation will form. Which is normally how it is in any relationship. You want it so bad, so bad, so bad, it never happens. And then when you finally sit back and say, alright, you know what, it was like, "Oh wow, I didn't even see you were here." Know what I mean?

You mentioned True Blood. Are you following it this season?
Dule Hill: I'm a little behind 'cause my work schedule's been a little crazy. So I'm like behind. So I will catch up. Right now I'm on episode 6 of Game of Thrones. I'm behind with that too. I'm really into it. Actually this weekend, I'm hoping it hasn't left my Video on Demand yet. I can't get it in Canada. I don't have Video on Demand in my apartment. So when I go home this weekend, I'm going to sit down and hopefully try to watch five or more on Saturday.

You're six seasons into this character, so you know him pretty well. If we gave you full control, is there anything you'd like to do with your character that you haven't yet?
Dule Hill: I guess eventually I would like the character to string together a couple of episodes of being in some type of relationship. You know, a couple of episodes. But really, they've done a good job. My main thing is I want him to start dating more, at least getting out more and making attempts. And we've finally gotten around to that so.

And maybe get myself back to Central Coast Pharmaceuticals. See me on my route! I don't think you've actually see me on my route since the pilot. That's what I would like! So I'd like to see Gus on his route in one whole episode. That's what I'm going to start asking about.

© Buddy TV

Ecrit par angella 

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Ecrit par angella 



Ecrit par angella 
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