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James & Dulé - Novembre

James Roday et Dulé Hill ont répondu ensemble a plusieurs questions très diverses des journalistes par téléphone., ils parlent de Vancouver, des épisodes de la saison 5 et des realations personnages dont Shules, les acteurs parlent ensuite d'eux, de Mentalist et un non-possible crossover, d'un seconde vie en rêve, pour Dulé sur ile en Amérique du Sud tandis que James aimerais se reconventir en James Bond moins dangereux parcourant l'Europe a la Russie, de ce qui'ls ignorent sur l'autre, James parlent de sa rencontrent avec deux président l'une grâce a Dulé, Dulé déclare avoir jouer ou a grandi James, James parle aussi de sa ville ou il a grandi...

Q.  I wanted to know what’s it like to film in Vancouver as Vancouver.


James Roday:  Well it’s easier.


Dule Hill:   Yes.


James Roday:  That’s for sure. We spend a lot of time running around and covering up

signs and replacing license plates and moving fake palm trees. And...


Dule Hill:   And flags, taking down flags.


James Roday:   ...when we shot for actual Vancouver we didn’t have to worry about any

of that stuff which means we could allow our minds and the minds of some of our crew

members to drift in a good way.


Dule Hill:   About Maple syrup.


James Roday:  That’s right.


Dule Hill:  And you also don’t have to frame out the ice capped mountains either. You can use that.


James Roday:  Oh, that’s true. Good point, Dule.


Dule Hill:  See what I’m saying?


James Roday:  That’s sharp thinking for this early in the morning. I’m very impressed.


Dule Hill:    That’s how I do it in the morning, you know what I mean?


James Roday:  Yes, man. Like a farmer except you’re not.


Q.  And what can you tell me about the “Twin Peaks” inspired episode?


James Roday:  Well I can tell you that it is probably the most proud I have been of any of our achievements on the

show, which as you know have been plentiful.


Q.  Yes.


James Roday:   It’s me basically being a fan boy. “Twin Peaks” was my favorite show of all time. And, you know, to be

able to work with seven of the original cast and basically pretend like I was in an episode of “Twin Peaks” was unbelievable.


In addition to that, and I think it’s just something that Dule and the rest of the cast all got to enjoy as well, we discovered

that several of the original cast members hadn’t seen each other in 15 or even 20 years. So we were basically doing a

“Twin Peaks” reunion within our “Twin Peaks” show. And watching them sort of reconnect and reminisce was pretty

special as well. So it was sort of like two unbelievable experiences for the price of one.


Q.  I have two questions. Same question for each of you. First I want you to tell me the best thing about working with the other.


Dule Hill:  Well I would say from my side the best thing about working with Roday would be I guess the challenge of working

outside the box. That would be it for me. I mean he’s such a talented actor that his mind will go anywhere and sometimes

keeping up and staying on the train is a challenge for me but I enjoy it. You know, it’s a muscle that I haven’t

really used in previous parts of my careers. So I’m definitely enjoying the time right now.


James Roday:   That’s it? That’s all you’ve got?


Dule Hill:  Yes, that’s all I’ve got man. That’s it. That’s all I got.


James Roday:  That’s very nice actually. Thank you.


Well I would say that in addition to, you know, the obvious which is that Dule is a very gifted actor as well and that he actually

makes my job easier by keeping us on the tracks so that I can do all my crazy stuff. I mean that’s sort of what makes the show

work and that’s why our chemistry has been so good from the beginning. It’s sort of a - pieces just really fell into place nicely

and we’re very lucky.


But also he also says everything that we’re both thinking that have nothing to do with acting whether it’s weather-related or

food-related or trailer-related or anything you can think of, you know, we’re always thinking the same thing but then he

always says is out loud and then I don’t have to which is awesome.


Q.  There you go. That is awesome. And my other question is if - you’ve done so many pop culture references on the show

and I am like a pop culture junkie. If there was one pop culture reference that has not been done yet that you would love to

do, what is it? Both of you. I don’t mean to break your brains this early in the morning.


Dule Hill:   Yes. I’m not really a pop - I mean I’m on a show that’s about pop culture references but that’s not really my forte.

I’m not really that big into it. Maybe something about Emmanuel Lewis.


Q.  That’d be cool.


James Roday:  Yes. You know, gosh, I think - I mean there’s still so many areas that are deep and plentiful. I wonder if there’s

- if it’s not time that we did like a - I don’t know, like a major sort of Alf reference of some kind.


Q.  That would be awesome.


James Roday:   Yes. I think he’s probably due for some love.


Q.  James, you guys left us with one heck of a cliffhanger with Juliet and Shawn at the end of the season there. Are there any

kind of details you can give us about what to expect with the two of them?


James Roday:  Well I can tell you that you’re not going to have to wait for long. I guess we all sort of decided that we had

made you wait long enough and it’s addressed pretty cleanly and thoroughly in the premier on Wednesday. So if you can

wait for two more days, then I think you’ll have all of the answers that you seek.


Q.  Fantastic. And, Dule, any relationships on the horizon for Gus?


Dule Hill:  That’s a good question. In terms of Season 5 I don’t think so unless I’m blanking out on something (Roday might think of).


Q.  So are you guys then both happy with the course of the love life for your characters then?


Dule Hill:  I mean I would say I think Gus is definitely kind of backed up. He could use a little bit of tender care, you know what I mean.

But we’ll see what happens going into the Season 6.


Q.  I’m a huge fan in addition to you two also of Cary Elwes and I’m excited about the “Extradition” episode and I just wanted to hear

a little bit about the upcoming appearance and what he’s like on the set.


James Roday:  We had a lot of fund with Cary. I think we had more fun with him the second time than we did even the first time because

he, you know, he was sort of comfortable in the skin of the character. And he sort of got of better idea of what our set is and that it was

going to be all fun and games all the time. And he just came up to sort of goof around this second time. And we spent more time with him

off set as well and met his beautiful wife and unbelievably beautiful little girl. And he’s an all-around good guy and very funny in the episode.


Q.  That’s great. That’s great to hear. Well in addition to Cary Elwes, what other guest stars can we look forward to seeing this season?


Dule Hill:  Well beyond the Twin Peakers which come up, we have Ralph Macchio. He’ll come up - he’ll be in one of the upcoming episodes.

We have the return of Ally Sheedy. And then we find out who Mr. Yin is. And then we have Mena Suvari who comes up in that same episode.

Who am I forgetting?


James Roday:  We have Tony Cox.


Dule Hill:  Oh, yes, Tony Cox came up. That’s right.


James Roday:  Very funny. Keshia Knight Pulliam, a little Bud/Rudy symmetry there. And Jacob Vargas, very good actor.


Dule Hill:   That’s right.


James Roday:  I think we had a shorter winter season. I think that’s most of the highlights there.


Dule Hill:  And we have...


James Roday:   Although “Twin Peaks” you get...


Dule Hill:  ...(Aggie) the Polar Bear.


James Roday:   (Aggie) the Polar Bear.


Dule Hill:   That’s right.


Q.  I’ve got three words for you, “Mentalist” crossover episode. You’ve got to do it. What do I need to do to make this happen?


I have to say this too, my actual question because my husband and I both are huge fans of Psych and “The Mentalist.” My husband

however turned his nose up at “The Mentalist.” He won’t watch it because he loves Psych so much. So what would have to happen?

Could that ever be something we could get excited about and look forward to a crossover episode?


Dule Hill:  I mean, you know, just talk to, you know, Les Moonves and Jeff Wachtel a little bit. You know put a call into both (unintelligible).


James Roday:   Yes.


Dule Hill:  I know you’ve got him on speed dial, right?


Q.  Yes.


James Roday:   You have to come up with that fool-proof argument for CBS of why it makes sense to cross their show that has 100

million zillion viewers with our show that has...


Dule Hill:  They’re like, “We think not. You want to take our 100 million viewers to how many viewers? Oh, and what’s the name

of the show? Oh, okay, okay.”


James Roday:   And then we’d say, “Yes, but our 4 million are crazy, like, they’re foaming at the mouth. They’re like...”


Q.  We are.


James Roday:  “...the best fans of anyone on television. And a lot of your 100 million might be sort of, you know, they might

fair-weather fans. This is a way to fuse those two ideas.” If he’s still on the phone at that point, then you should feel good.


Q.  The first one I know James that you’re going to be directing a play called “Greedy” with Red Dog Squadron. And

skipping over that slightly, bordering the lines of greed perhaps, are there any characteristics of the characters that you

each play that you envy and that you wish you possessed?


Dule Hill:   I mean I think from my side I do wish I possessed a little more of the - I guess Gus knows a little bit of - he

knows something about everything. Like he really has the most random trivia information stacked inside of his brain.

And I think for myself I would love to be able to have that kind of information stored up inside my brain.


Q.  Who wouldn’t?


Dule Hill:  Right.


James Roday:  I think Shawn sort of represents that person that I don’t know we may have all known or may not that, you

know, we always say we wish we could be more like that person because they take so many risks and they sort of live life

to its absolute fullest at any given moment and they jump without asking questions. It’s a pretty remarkable quality that some

people actually do have. But then we remember that it doesn’t always work out in real life the way it works out...


Q.  Yes.


James Roday:  ...on television and that that’s probably why we’re not like that.


Q.  My other question is speaking of Cary Elwes, I’m thinking about the Dread Pirate Roberts. Have you ever considered piracy?

What would be your ultimate dream adventure atmosphere?


Dule Hill:  Probably like, you know, in the Amazon somewhere like down in South America going through the rain forest, something

like that. You know, but it might be (unintelligible).


James Roday:  Yes. I’m not trying to mess with like insects that are bigger than my dogs.


Dule Hill:  Well that’s what I was going to say, in my dream adventure, if it’s my dream, then there is no insects there. It’s just a nice

paradise. You know, where the river is flowing and the sun shines through in spaces and it rains sometimes but not too much and...


Q.  I like that.


Dule Hill:  ...there’s definitely no bugs or anything like that. There’s a nice queen-size bed or king-size bed I can sleep in. It’s my

dream adventure, you know what I mean.


Q.  Exactly.


James Roday:  I think I’m running around doing like high-end espionage stuff.


Q.  Awesome.


James Roday:  Like a gentlemen, you know, like in Europe and then I’m also somehow I’m in Morocco and then I’m back in the

States and then I’m in Russia and I’ve got all kinds of cool money...


Q.  A little James Bond going on.


James Roday:  ...like different kinds of money.


Dule Hill:  Kind of James Bond-ish.


James Roday:  Yes. But like less danger and more gentlemanly.   Just enjoying the finer things of life with like a small mission on the side. 

We’re really being thoughtful about our answers this morning, Dule, I have to say.


Q.  Someone mentioned a love interest for Gus and I just have to say that my husband said recently, “Come on, the man is seriously deprived.”


Dule Hill:  That is true. You can tell your husband that is a very factual thing.


Q.  Well we’re running a contest right now on our site for Psych and we’re having people tell us what names they think Shawn should

introduce Gus as. And so I have to tell you a little bit of my favorites.


Dule Hill:  Okay.


Q.  We think they should call him Carlton Lassiter. The reactions from Gus and Juliet and Lassy himself would be hysterical. And then we

have Burton Chocolate Silk Guster.  And then Henry McFly.


James Roday:   Henry McFly.


Q.  And then Burton I Like to Sing Spice Girls in the Shower.


Dule Hill:   Oh, wow.


Q.  And then Chocolate Thunder.


James Roday:  Always.


Q.  And then my personal favorite because I could totally see Shawn doing this is introducing him as Burton Ernie.


Dule Hill:   Pretty crafty.


Q.  Anyway so that ties in with my first question. For both of you, what’s the favorite name that Shawn has call - what’s your favorite

name that Shawn has called Gus?


Dule Hill:  For myself it’s always been the one I think from Season 1, which may have been the first or second episode, where he called

me Gus “Silly-Pants” Jackson. You know, I - because when he first threw that out it kind of caught me off guard first of all because I

believe that was one that was just off the top of his head. And it cracked me up. I just thought it was a hilarious thing. And, you know,

we’re big fans of Stoney Jackson over here so that kind of...


James Roday:  Yes, we are.


Dule Hill:  ...(unintelligible) for Stoney Jackson.


James Roday:  That’s the one that sort of...


Dule Hill:  Stoney and the Silly-Pants, you know.


James Roday:  ...kicked it all off. So I think it’s always going to be special for us since everything sort of sprang from that.


Q.  Right. Now do you guys get a say in those or do they come already in the script?


James Roday:   Oh, sure. They definitely come in the script now but any time we can top what’s there, we don’t hesitate.

Everyone’s in on the fun now.


Q.  Excellent. Well this is another quick question. Are you guys having a Christmas-themed episode and if so, can you tell

us anything about it?


James Roday:   Yes. We are returning to holiday Yule entertainment this season. I actually directed our Christmas episode

and I can tell you that it’s pretty out there. It’s our sort of bizarro take on “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Shawn learns what

everybody would be doing if he had never come back to Santa Barbara.


But it’s - but prepare yourselves because it’s not “It’s a Wonderful Life.” It’s something different and the only thing I can

guarantee is that you’ll get to see the characters that you’ve grown to know and love in ways that you never thought you’d

see them.


Q.  As a takeoff kind of on the - and one - on one of the previous questions, feel free to be as silly with the answers as you

may want, but obviously you guys know each other really well from all these seasons. What would be - now James, what

would be something that Dule does not know about you? And Dule what would be something that James does not know

about you?


James Roday:  Wow. You know, we’ve got to fill a lot of time over this - over these seven months that we spend together.

Something that he definitely doesn’t know about me.


Dule Hill:  Wow.


James Roday:  Well our first season in Vancouver Dule was kind enough to let me tag along to a benefit that Diana Krall

was having wherein I ended up getting to meet President Clinton which was certainly a highlight for me. Dule had already

known President Clinton and played basketball with him and things like that, so less of a novelty there. But what Dule

might not know is that I met President Jimmy Carter when I was a very young boy and that it was actually the second

time I had met a president.


Q.  Okay.


James Roday:  I don’t think I have ever told him that.


Dule Hill:  That’s something I didn’t know.


James Roday:  Boom.


Dule Hill:  Let’s see. Well James probably doesn’t know being that he’s a native of San Antonio that I actually shot a

basketball on the court of the San Antonio Spurs arena wherever they play down there.


Q.  Oh, wow.


James Roday:  Look at that.  After all these years we still surprise each other.


Q.  Okay. If USA was going to have a “Best of ‘Psych’ Week,” what would be the episodes that you’d want to make sure

that they had on there?


Dule Hill:  There’s so many of them. There’s so many of them. So if there was just going to be one a day I don’t think that

would be enough.


Q.  Of course not. It’s a week-long marathon.


Dule Hill:  Yes. One of my favorites has always been American Duos because, you know, just the fact of us being able to

sing “Shout” and dress up like Roland Orzabal and Michael Jackson and, you know, Tim Curry and the guest stars we

had there were just, you know, knocking it out of the park. I’ve always loved that episode.


James Roday:  Yes. I think I go back to Season 2 which was also - that was the same season of American Duos where we

did our Spanish telenovela episode where we infiltrated a Spanish soap opera. It’s some of the most ridiculous stuff we’ve

ever done on the show. And I remember it fondly. I remember speaking two languages, looking ridiculous and probably

the most fun I’ve ever had on set.   Pulling them out from the vault.


Q.  James, so I’m wondering, you know, the “will they, won’t they” thing has been always such a part of the show and if you

guys are actually going there now with Juliet was there like just oodles of hours of discussion as to which way that should go

or was it just the time to do it?


James Roday:  I think there’s always been plenty of discussion. But I think, you know, first on the list is when is the time to do it.

So I think those things sort of came to a head and everybody was on the same page that five years of “will they or won’t they”

was enough and that it was time to throw a curve ball and mix things up, cross our fingers and hope for the best.


Q.  Okay. And I was actually at the WWE event last year with Dule and I know you were not able to be there, but any chance it’s

going to be revisited this year?


James Roday:  You know what, I think we missed our window for the winter premier since it’s on Wednesday. And I would have to

be wherever they are tonight. But I’m certainly game to sort of do my part now that Dule has so dutifully done his and maybe return

for the Season 6 premier or something. I would absolutely be down for that, yes.


Dule Hill:  Don’t worry. I’ll be making some phone calls to try to make that happen and (to remind everybody). I think it’s time for

Roday to get slapped.


Q.  Are you ready to do it again, Dule?


Dule Hill:  No, no, no, this will be Roday on his own. Alicia Fox will be slapping James Roday this time.


Q.  That was a good slap.


Dule Hill:  Yes, it was. Yes, it was. Yes, it was.


Q.  I was going to see if you could tease some of the upcoming episodes and maybe tell us a storyline you haven’t come to yet that

you’d want to maybe like zombies or something.


James Roday:  Well, let’s see. Upcoming episodes first. We’ve spoken about” Extradition.” We’ve spoken about “Twin Peaks.” We’ve...


Dule Hill:  We have “Police Academy.”


James Roday:  ...spoken about Christmas. We do have a “Police Academy” episode which features Ralph Macchio who we mentioned.

Shawn and Gus have to save a polar bear that may or may not be being framed for murder. We have an episode in a haunted house in

an amusement park.


Dule Hill:   Right.


James Roday:  Probably the closest we will ever come to embodying the cast of “Scooby-Doo.”


Q.  Excellent.


James Roday:  And then we do - we bring home the Yin-Yang Trilogy. That will be our finale where everything comes out in the wash.

Pretty packed, pretty solid winter.


As far as - I mean I can tease - I can actually tease that at some point next season we’ll be doing vampires.


Q.  Awesome.


Dule Hill:  I have a feeling Gus will have a chance to say, “Oh, Sookie.”


James Roday:  Yes. We can probably work that in there.


Q.  Any chance that...


James Roday:  We’ve been talking about a musical forever. That’s up on the board. Baseball has been on the board for awhile. I

think it’s probably time to make that happen as well.


Q.  Any chance Larisa Oleynik’s character from the werewolf episode could come back in the vampire episode?


James Roday:   Somebody has a little thing for Larisa Oleynik, huh?


Q.  Yes. Yes, I have for years.


Dule Hill:  Well there it is.


James Roday:   There it is. Ah, no. We dug Larisa. That was a lot of fun. She had a fun character. She got to wear a nose ring. Not

that many people who come on site can say that. But yes, I guess it could possibly work since they’re all into the occult and whatnot

we could bring back Josh Malina too.


Dule Hill:  That’s right.


Q.  And then, James, I have one more question. All my wife’s family is from San Antonio and so one of her cousins asked me to ask

you how often you get back to San Antonio and what your favorite Mexican restaurant there is.


James Roday:  Well I don’t make it back nearly as often as I’d like because I do - I have grown quite fond of that city since I’ve left.

When I do make it back my first stop usually from the airport before I even get to wherever I’m staying it Pappasito’s on I-10.


Q.  It’s an excellent restaurant.


James Roday:  It’s fantastic and it holds up even though many have come and went since it opened its doors. It’s where I would take

anyone who was visiting for the first time.


Q.  My first question is what do you think makes Shawn and Gus relationship work so well since they are such polar opposites?


Dule Hill:   I think you just answered it right there. I think they fill each other out. They both bring each other to the center. You know,

one is extremely to the right and one is extremely to the left and they balance each other out. I think...


Q.  Okay.


Dule Hill:   ...without their relationship they would both be too far in either direction. I think Shawn would be doing something - I mean

Shawn his life would be a long time ago spin out of control and Gus would be a hermit...


Q.  Okay.


Dule Hill:  ...going to work, going home.


Q.  Okay. And my second question is, if Shawn and Gus can go on a reality show separately or together, what show do you think

they would be cast on?


Dule Hill:  “Amazing Race.”


James Roday:  Oh, yes. Absolutely. And they would win.


Dule Hill:  Yes, they would.


James Roday:   They would win.


Q.  Absolutely. I can see them winning. But no “Bachelor” for Gus and giving out pineapples instead of roses?


Dule Hill:  I mean sure that’s a possibility. Sure. But I mean the first show would definitely be “The Amazing Race.” But...


Q.  Definitely.


James Roday:  If a character every deserved to go and be the bachelor, I think it’s Gus though.


Dule Hill:  It would be Gus, right.


Q.  I think so too. And my last question is, how do you think your relationship with Lassiter is going to change now that, you know,

they are working together more and he sees how well Shawn is working, you know, helping solve the Yin case and stuff like that?


James Roday:  You know what, he’s watched us solve, what, 80 murders.


Q.  Something like that, yes.


James Roday:  He hasn’t softened up to us yet. Something tells me he’s never quite going to.


Dule Hill:  I think with Lassiter it’s less about - for him the issue is not about the outcome it’s more about the process. He doesn’t

respect our process.


Q.  Now what character dead or alive would you like to bring back.


Dule Hill:  You kind of went out there. Dead or alive...


Q.  Yes.


Dule Hill:  What character dead or alive would I like to bring back?


Q.  Yes.


James Roday:  Well kick it off from Season 1, I think I’d love to bring back Adam Hornstock, Esq., a character played by Michael

Weston. There’s bound to be a way that Shawn and Gus need legal advice. So I think that’s pretty easy to do.


Dule Hill:  And I wouldn’t mind bringing back - I forgot his actual name on the show Malcolm from...


James Roday:  Oh, Wally.


Dule Hill:  Yes. Wally. Wally from the “Pimp My Ride” episode because I just enjoyed doing the scenes with him where he was just

talking in circles. He wasn’t really making any kind of sense. That would be someone I would like to see come back.


Q.  How about Jimmi Simpson?


James Roday:   Well you’ll get another dose of Jimmi this season. I’ll let you try and figure out how we pulled that off but we did.


Q.  I’m happy to hear that.


James Roday:  So don’t miss the finale.


Q.  Okay. Now what would you like to see Shawn and Gus do more of?


Dule Hill:   I would like to see Gus obviously release some tension. Honestly, I would say I wouldn’t mind seeing Gus do a little bit

more dating, you know, but expanding his horizon outside the Psych office.


James Roday:  I would say I’d like to see Shawn and Gus use their wits like at a three-to-one ratio over their legs.


Q.  Now Psych is filled with ‘80s references, so if you could change things up and switch to another decade for a season, which one

would you choose and give me some examples of what the episode would cover.


Dule Hill:  I would say the ‘70s and probably have something - you know, some references dealing with Melvin Van Peebles, something

having to do with “Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song.”


James Roday:   I second that.


Q.  I saw the screener so the massive make-out session. My question is how Shawn and Juliet’s relationship is going to affect Gus and

Shawn’s relationship.


James Roday:  Well we deal with it right away and I think Shawn probably didn’t give Gus nearly enough credit for knowing that

eventually something of that nature was probably going to happen. So it’s possible that Shawn sort of built it up in his head that it’s

going to be a way bigger deal than it is. Although, I don’t know. I can’t really remember. Do you remember, Dule?


Dule Hill:  Yes, I mean I remember how it affects our relationship.


Q.  Yes.


James Roday:   Yes. There’s not like a - there’s no major fallout.


Dule Hill:  Yes. I don’t think there will be a major fallout (at least). We’ll see what happens going into Season 6 but Season 5, I don’t

think you see any major fallout. It’s something that I think Gus has prepared himself for for awhile. I mean at some point he knew that

Shawn and Juliet were going to get together.


Q.  Now if we had to wait five years for them to kiss, how long do we have to wait until they actually go all the way?


James Roday:  Well considering that we have been tagged as a family show and are constantly being reminded that key members of

our executive team’s children watch our show religiously, I’m going to say that any all-the-wayness that happens will happen very

discreetly and off-screen.


Q.  But are we to assume that it happens this season?


James Roday:   I guess so, yes. I mean talking about two grown adults, so yes that’s probably fair to say.


Q.  And finally about the “Twin Peaks” episode because it’s my favorite show of all time too. Two questions, does David Lynch

know you’re doing it? Have you tried to contact him?


Dule Hill:  He does know we’re doing it.


James Roday:  My understanding and I’m obviously both titillated and nervous about this is that he is aware of the episode. His dear

friend Catherine Coulson, aka “The Log Lady”, came up and did the episode and called and left him a message while she was sitting

on our set.


So I’m pretty sure that he’s aware and I can only hope that we did him proud. I feel like we did. You know, our whole hearts went into

that episode and we had the support of, you know, about half of his cast. So if he doesn’t like it, there’s going to a lot of people in trouble.


Q.  And finally about “Twin Peaks” since Shawn and Gus are so into food, will you be enjoying some cherry pie?


James Roday:   We definitely enjoy pie.


Dule Hill:  Pie, yes.


James Roday:  But we made it our own and it’s not actually cherry.


Q.  Now my question is about Shawn’s dad. How does he feel about Shawn and Juliet getting together now that he’s working at the police

station and how does their relation - Shawn and his father’s relationship progress this season?


James Roday:  If memory serves, I’m not sure if he ever - I’m not sure he ever wizens up to Shawn and Juliet. I don’t think...


Dule Hill:  I don’t think he does.


James Roday:  I don’t think he does. I think that’s, you know, it’s - we’re sort of proceeding with great caution on that front. And then as

far as our relationship, I will admit I was - I didn’t know how the whole moving him to the police station was going to work but I actually

think it worked pretty well because it kind of renewed that antagonism that we had from seasons past where Shawn was always having to

look over his shoulder and nothing’s ever good enough and I think it motivates both of them.


And it’s an energy that I thought, you know, always served the show very well and that we got away from sort of in the middle seasons.

And I thought it was good to have it back. You know, those two guys are never going to be on the same page but they do find strange

twisted ways of appreciating one another. And I think we get to see more of that with Henry in the police station than we did with him,

you know, out on his boat or making sandwiches in the kitchen.


Q.  And Mad Man Roger Sterling is just came out - is just coming out with a book. I think Shawn needs - what do you think Shawn’s

book would be called and what would it be about?


James Roday:  I think it would be his memoirs starting from the time he left Santa Barbara probably and then taking it up to the present

and it would be called I’ve Heard it Both Ways.


Q.  For Dule, what is Gus’s favorite pharmaceutical product?


Dule Hill:  Oh, wow.


James Roday:  Take your time with this, Dule. Don’t just rush out an answer.


Dule Hill:  Wow. What is Gus’s favorite pharmaceutical product. Now if I could pronounce any one of these pharmaceutical products

that I’ve had to say in the past five years, I would be able to tell you but maybe...


James Roday:  Well we know it’s not Viagra or Cialis because he doesn’t have any use for that.


Dule Hill:  Yes, it’s definitely not Viagra or Cialis. I think it’s probably maybe like - well I guess that’s not really a pharmaceutical

product either but something having to do with, you know, maybe some type of a Rogaine type thing, something have to do with

balding because he thinks there’s a lot of balding people in the world. You know, I don’t know. That’s a good question though.

The funny thing about all those pharmaceutical products that I say, I have no idea what they are.


Q.  Well great. Well thanks. And maybe there should be an episode about, you know, Gus’s quest to heal the world from

male-pattern baldness. I think that would be good.


Dule Hill:  You see what I’m saying?


Q.  We’ve talked a lot about the guest stars that you’ve had and sort of like your favorites. Do you have a wish list of who you’d

like to see on the show?


Dule Hill:  I would say I’d love to have Chris Tucker come and do a quick spot. I don’t know if he ever would but I mean, you

know, he’s just hilarious to me and it would be great to have him come swing through the show one time.


Q.  Okay.


Dule Hill:  I doubt it will ever happen but, you know, you can always dream.


Q.  Can always dream.


James Roday:  I’ve been saying David Bowie since the first season so I’ll stick with that until he actually shows up which again

may never happen.


Q.  (Outside of) Twitter it can happen.


James Roday:  But it doesn’t cost us anything to hope, you know what I mean. Hope doesn’t cost like money. Hope is free and it

springs eternal. It’s actually Dule who taught me that.


Q.  That’s interesting. Your - you guys just finished up the college tour, correct?


James Roday:  Yes.


Q.  Did you have a favorite campus that you visited.


Dule Hill:   I had a blast at each and every one of them. I mean I would say for myself each one that I went to I mean was the best one. I

really enjoyed University of Georgia and then when I got to Boston I was like, “Oh, this is cool.” And then I got to University of Texas at

Austin I thought that was even better. And then of course closing it out in Santa Barbara. So I mean I don’t want pick either one but I

think they were all pretty good to me.


James Roday:  Yes. The kids were great. I mean the bottom line is that we just got to hang out with a bunch of really, really cool kids,

smart kids, bright kids, respectful. It was just a big love-fest and they made us feel so welcome.


And it was - we were pretty tired so the fact that we were able to kind of get up for all these is really a testament to how cool each stop

 was. I mean Texas is my home state so I should probably say that if someone pointed a gun at me I would say the University of Texas

which maybe Dule would do too if we had gone to Rutgers. I don’t know.


Dule Hill:  Yes, yes if we had gone to Rutgers, then yes. You know, being that I’m a Jersey boy.


Q.  You’re a Jersey boy?


Dule Hill:   Of course.


Q.  All right. I have one last question and it’s actually from my sister who almost peed her pants when she found out that I was doing this

call. She was really excited. Do you guys believe in psychics?


James Roday:   Is there any way to know for certain that she didn’t pee her pants because she probably wouldn’t have admitted it if happened.


Q.  She probably wouldn’t have. And since she’s in Texas and I’m in Georgia there’s really no way to be sure.


James Roday:   I think it’s more fun for us if she did pee her pants a little.


Q.   I’ll let you know that you think that.


James Roday:   Yes. And sure, I believe in psychics. I don’t believe in all of them. I think some of them are full of it just like Shawn. But I think

there’s enough weird stuff out there and unexplainable things that there’s bound to be some people that have senses that most of us don’t have.


Dule Hill:   I think there’s more Shawn Spencers and less Notradamuses. But either way I’m like don’t tell me. Let me be surprised.

Ecrit par angella 

A venir


Ecrit par angella 

A venir


Ecrit par angella 
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